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Meet our PJ ambassador: Bendy Gio

Bendy Gio is a pole artist, health coach and instructor based in Stuttgart, Germany. She is known for her jaw-dropping flexibility, gorgeous shapes and artistic movement. Find out more about our beautiful ambassador in this short and sweet Q&A.

Just get started on your journey and don't hold yourself back because of fear. Just enjoy the process, explore, stay open minded and don't be too hard on yourself. Comparison is the thief of joy!
Bendy Gio
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What made you want to try poledancing?

I started Pole Dance because of a friend of mine who wanted to try it out and convinced me to join. I had no idea what Pole Dancing was before but immediately fell in love with the variety and creativity this art offers.

What are your fave kinds of tricks?

My favourite tricks are pretty spinning flexy shapes but also lately started to really enjoy dancing in heels and exploring my femine and sexy side more.

Who has heavily influenced your pole style?

My style was defenitely inspired by Marion Crampe and Anastasia Skukhtorova.

What kind of career would you have if you didn't become a professional poledancer?

If I wasn't a Pole Dancer I would probably do something around Art or Nature. But honestly I have no idea where live would have taken me because I have many different interests.

What is your dream event or competition to perform at?

My dream place to teach and perform would be in the Las Vegas pole scene.

What has been one of your biggest achievements in your pole career?

My biggest achievement was winning the German Pole Championship in 2019 and taking part in the World Pole Championship. Besides that just growing so much as a person and teacher through pole and learning to be proud of myself and trusting in myself more.

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